Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cousin David's Comes to play!

A few weeks ago David and Aimee came over and we all had a great time playing! We went swimming, played in the sprinkle, sand box and swing set. Had dinner and then it was time to clean up! After baths it was wrestling time! It was so funny to see them pile up on each other and play so well! Ashley will have to be tough with a brother and cousin so big and tough!

David enjoying his hair wash!

Rinse cycle hope David likes the water!!!!

Aren't they precious!

Tyler loves his Bathes!!

Wrestle Time~ They giggled so much i wish i had video of it!

Tyler's first hair cut!!

Wow My little man is growing up! On Wednesday August 13th Tyler was 16 months and 2 days old got his first hair cut. I intially told Blair not to cut off all his curls, i hated to see them go. I am afraid neither child of mine will resemble me if they don't have some curls! But after we got home and the rest of his hair looked neat and managable, we decided the long curls needed to go so he didn't look as though we were trying to grow a mullet!!!!
Daddy and Tyler are bonding over getting there hair cuts together!

Blair at Sheer Xpectations cut Tyler's hair!

I almost cried, but i managed to control myself!

Everytime She would get close to his right ear he would turn and look at her like lady what are you doing to me...... we just kept feeding him and he was very content never cried! What a big boy!!