Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Marine mud run!

This past saturday some co-workers and i ran the mud run. It was a ton of fun! I am so glad we did it! I am looking forward to next year!
to see more pictures go to www.usmcmudrun.net
we were team # 473 once the pictures are uploaded you will be able to narrow us down with our team number!

A nice clean shot before the mud run!

My support team! Tyler loves the dirt, i see him doing the run with me in the future!

One last mud puddle after the slippery hill!

Tyler, Ashley and Daddy supporting me at my crazy endeavors!

The crew running, mud in our eyes!

Not so clean any more!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wow 17 months!

I was looking for a different picture and came across this one.
This is ashley at 17 months.
It feels like yesterday that i had Ashley, let alone a second. The time goes faster every day. Believe me there are days that i can not wait till bed time, but for the majority of the time. I cherish every moment with my little peanuts. I love seeing them discover new things and teach me new things, but at the same time, my babies are getting all grown up and it makes me sad.
I just had pictures of Both the kids today. Tyler is 17 months (and 2 days)and Ashley is 33 months (and 3 days).

and if you can't tell, Tyler was not in the mood for pictures today! The minute we left the portrait studio he was a ball of laughter, amazing they have such strong wills!