Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Fun 2008

WE have had a couple fun trips. The first week in October we went to table rock state park in the upstate to attempt our first camping trip with the kids. They loved playing in the tent. Sleeping was another thing, once we got them wound down they slept but it was a challenge getting to that point! THe marshmellows were a hit. Ashley calls them Fresh mellows and insited on freshmellows for breakfast too! Since we were going hiking we figured she would burn off all the sugar energy before getting strapped into a car seat for the trip home.
WE took a small hike with the kids on Carrick creek trail. Had a picinic on the rocks and then called it a day after playing in the creek!

A family photo after a night of camping and a day of hiking, yes i know mommy needs to invest in a hat, look at the froo!!!

Ashley attempting to use the walking sticks

Tyler exhausted and asleep!

Tyler awakes to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that he loves!

At the end of the hike Tyler gets to play in the water with the rocks

Ashley Playing in the creek

Daddy and the kids eating dinner at camp

Ashley enjoying her Freshmellows

Tyler eating his first marshmellow

The kids being sweet sitting by the campfire

Then October 14th we headed out to the pumpkin patch with friends to take some fall photos and get some good carving pumpkins
It was a difficult time catching any of the kids looking at the camera.
Ashley's new friend Campbell was there so ashley wanted nothing to do with her brother. All the boys are to young to care about pictures or anything other than throwing the small pumpkins. I will post the cute ones i was able to capture on our morning adventure! We were so glad that daddy was off and able to go an experience this with us! YOur the best Dad!

Ashley Loving the pumpkins

Daddy and Tyler at the Pumpkin patch

Jackson and Tyler too busy exploring to take a picture

Tyler what a sweet sad face, our sweet little man............

Jackson playing with the pumpkins

I have a couple more cute ones i will add later, of Ashley & Campbell, and Joseph I am at work editting the blog so i can at least get posted what i started 2 weeks ago! It will be happy halloween soon! Also Look for our BOO at the ZOO and Trick or Treat pictures next week!