Shannon has been with us 2 months now and she makes the most amazing crafts with the kids, she made Wade an awesome father's day gift from the kids, piggy banks, painting, face paints, stepping stones, takes them for walks, swims with them, lets them get dirty, taught ashley how to look for Rolly Pollies and the list goes on.
I love this girl, i hope she stays with us forever!!
The best relief of a working mom is to call to check in on them and to hear them giggling in the back ground, it saddens me not to be laughing with them, but at least i know they are happy and are having fun!
SInce the last post we went to truck pulls, camping,Ashley started ballet lessons and lots of little things around the house. Enjoy the photos, we miss seeing everyone and wish we visited everyone near and far way more often.
Wade with all the kiddos at the pool taking a break on the 4th
Tyler attacking daddy
Tyler Jumping into the pool, later he moved on to jumping from the diving board
Tyler taking a ride on the turtle
Strawberry picking
Ballet classes, Ashley loved it the first couple of times but recently has become shy and doesn't alway participate......
Her Plie` ( i have no idea how to spell that word!)
First postion
Very flexable!
Ashley very excited her first day wanted her picture taken with the sign
Ash & Campbell sunbathing
Tyler shopping ( i will pay for this one down the road :))
Ashley sitting on Daddy as the new liner fills up with water
Ashley and Campbell playing in the pool
Ashley the walking pillow..... Tyler the follower
Ashley and Tyler posing for a picture
Ashley playing with her helmet on
Kids painting with pudding (a Shannon creation)
Miss Amanda and her Twins came to swim!
Ashley Feeding Tyler while they had a picinic under the tree in the backyard
An example of some of the many crafts the kids make with Miss Shannon
TYler painting his car, he was very proud of this
Ashley in her pipecleaner glasses
Tyler loving the water
Precious moments.......
Tyler looking cool at the park
Tyler, must be dangerous driving a flintstone car!
Tyler Gotta love that SMILE
Kids adding sprinkles to the fourth of July cupcakes
Ashley's butterfly face painting