Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall update...

Well life is the usual busy and exhausting but fun! Ashley started preschool, i was weary the first week, but she loves it and now i do too!! She only goes 3 days a week, but wants to go more, i see this as a good thing! Tyler got his new big boy bed late september. He only fell out the first 2 nights and he has mastered it since and loves to snuggle under the covers. I am still training for my first marathon.... wade is too.... he's pulling extra alone time and dad duties, thanks! I wouldn't have been able to do it without him, Nana and Stacey helping to watch the kids so i can run for multiple hours! We took a last minute poorly planned trip to the beach... once we got there it was great, but getting there was a task! I was to have the car packed when wade got home from work, we would leave that night latest 8:30... well new tires ( from the flat over the weekend) amanda post call on about 3 hours of sleep, suitcase was packed but not in car... after getting gas and feeding nana's cat on the way out we left at 9:30. It was perfect weather once we got there... we just didn't have any sunscreen! Hello! but we survived and it gave us many laughs!

Asbury Methodist Church ( our church and Ashley's School)

Ashley's first day of school ( she wanted nothing to do with getting her picture taken, this was the best of all)

The Wardlaw's Myrtle Beach September 2009

Tyler chillin on the rocks before dinner at the sea captain

Ashley Relaxing on the rocks in front of Sea Captain's

Kids swimmin in the waves of the ocean

TYler chillin with a capri sun

Daddy taking the kids in the water

Tyler painting his bird house

Ashley a serious painter

Uncle Jaime, David and Ashley being silly

Ashley Helping in the yard ( yes She is in flannel pj's she insisted!)

Tyler my little yard helper, always a shadow in the yard no matter what we are doing

Happy Birthday Nana

Wade and his Mom on her Birthday!

Debbie and I at her baby shower in charlotte! ( It's a boy!!!)

Deb & Rob

Too Big for bed...... this is the last night he slept in his crib ( weep weep) No longer a baby :(

Tyler our sweet boy, 2 years, 5 and 1/2 months he gets his big boy bed.....

Tyler testing the sturdiness of the foundation of his new bed

Daddy's helpers in putting the new bed up!

Tyler's first night in his new bed ( see his feet sticking out)

Tyler being a ghost on his new bed

So to add to our beach trip, i dumped a whole sippy cup of milk the day we left in my car and kinda forgot about it, until wade went to the car the next morning and was hit with the aroma!! It poured rain the whole way there.... we are thinking this better be worth it! I lost my debit card running one morning ( why do i run with my card... to get breakfast afterwards!!) The list of craziness goes on, but this is what makes life memorable! I can't wait to reflect later this month will be Wade and I's 10 year wedding anniversary! Wow, It has flown by, i feel like i just married him yesterday, yet i also feel as though there was no life before him yet we have accomplished so much together he is the half that completes me, i am very lucky to have a wonderful husband and top notch Father of our kids! We are a very blessed family.
Until next time .... a script i came across tonight i love... i need to live by way more! ( for the worry warts like me...)

Matthew 6: 34
"Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself Each day has enough trouble of its own"