Saturday, October 30, 2010

Karate 2010

Tyler wanted to do Karate this year so we let him start this.... IT is very interesting not at all what i expected but very good. Mr. Blane is excellent with the kids and I believe it teaches discipline! Tyler enjoys doing it and Ashley wants to do it too, but Balllet is her thing this year. They can teach each other at home!

They must sit against the wall and listen and wait their turn. When the Big Dog talks (mr. Blane) the little Dogs listen.... they are learning to do this very well! Tyler is in the white tshirt

The stance they get into before they start all the the karate moves....

This is their favorite thing to do pillow time to beat up the bully.....

Dad's Donuts at Asbury

I am trying to catch up!! Dad's donut at school was Early October, so i am getting closer to being caught up!!! It was great this year Daddy was off to go and i was off to go and take pictures!!!

Daddy and his babies walking into school

Ashley and Daddy laughing at the going on a bear hunt song...

Ashley & Daddy at Dad's donut day at Asbury Preschool october 2010

Tyler Showing Daddy around his classroom

Tyler hanging onto daddy

Tyler giving Daddy a hug as he leaves Dad's donuts