Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten!

Wow, Our little once, 5 pound 6 ounce baby girl is off to school! She is loving it! She had to pick out all of her new school clothes, With a little hiding of certain things ( i absoultey didn't want her to wear) I allowed her her freedom, she picked all skirts. SHe was so proud to bring Daddy to her room and show him. Mr. Practical, asked her why she neeeded 7 new skirt outfits to add to a closet full of older nice ones, when she only goes to school 5 days a week. Daaaaddddd...........

This was the day she met her teacher Mrs. Close

She's a girl!! That being said, she loves 2 outfits the most and if its clean she wears it, so I have decided to boycot laundry so she will wear the other outfits!!
THe cat shirt and jean skirt and crazy leopard print and neon shirt are her favorite outfits at this point!

So after 2 full weeks of school, I have heard about new friends Noah D., Brooke, Lizzy and Bennett. She talks the most about Noah D, Hope he is a good boy and not like Sweet Dylan who she loved at Asbury that was always in trouble.......

With our new home, school and town we are getting settled in. We have tried a couple new churches and hope to find our church home soon. We want to be sure we find the right fit for our family to grow together in.

Tyler Starts 4 k on Tuesday, we meet his new teacher Last week and it seems at though he is going to give Ashley a run for her money in the learning department. Ms. Mia is very excited about getting him super ready for kindergarten! He meet a little boy that day named Mitch, and I meet his Mom, as we talked about our curly hair!! Its funny how our hair can be an ice breaker!! I hope that we can be part of LMBC preschool as we were at Asbury.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer can't be over....

Wow, I did good for about 5 months on my new years resolution of keeping up with my blog..... well slacker and life of the wardlaw's got in the way this summer! I can't believe I am this far behind. I am at work now, unable to sleep so i Thought i would catch up a bit on the narrative of the blog.....
After 3 attempts to log in, I remembered the right password, but now i am not sure which one was the right one! I am just glad to be back! Well... sorta. WE currently don't have internet service at home ( I won't consider having a wifi card for our phones Service... its about as bad as dial up! ) So pictures will follow hopefully sooner than later! SO recap briefly and pictures will tell the rest of the story!

April we had a great visit with April and Michael and Attending Jay and Eve's wedding. Then May we went Camping with the Starne's family, a great relaxing fun time as expected. June We went to the beach for a week, amazing, wish I could go back to that week again and stay longer!!! THen that's when Life got really crazy!! Wade's mom broke her leg while we were camping, then Prior to the beach week, we spent many hours looking for a new nanny, because we unexpectadly lost ours due to circumstances out of all peoples control, but had no luck. I for once tried not to freak out about child care so I could go and enjoy vacation, that i was in much need of.
WE returned from the beach on sunday, went to work on monday for a 16 hour shift, but got news from my Dad that mom was sick, and not doing well and not really sure what to do or expect. I called mom's Pulmonologist and he suggested that I head north as soon as possible. Having a history with this Doctor, I went into internal freak out mode.... She has been sick before, but never to this degree and state of confusion of what was going on with her and his voice told me enough to get there asap. I am at work... supposidly till 11pm.... So many phone calls later, extra breaks, internet surfing, and kindness of my colleauges I was able to get off around 5 pm. I rushed home, called the airport to see if I could get on the 745 flight, they said no. I had to be at the airport by 6 if i wanted on that flight...... I considered trying, but then when i realized I Still need to arrange child care, pack, purchase a tickect, drive from work to home, said farewll to the family and then to the airport......Wasn't gonna happen. So I tried to take the calm approach. First flight in the morning. I got all that prior stuff done by midnight..... and got up at 315 to be at the airport at 430 for my 6 am flight. I was following the same rules they insited on the day before. I get to the airport.... Ticket booth/ check in not open until 515!! Lovely!! SO i check in, then hit security... THey don't open until 545. Meanwhile I am sleepdeprived, stressedm, worried and hungry. Not a good combo!! I get on my 6 am flight at 610, but do make it to pittsburgh . Dad is waiting for me, Trying hard to be "ok" until he told me what had happened over night. Lets just say that was a long Drive from the airport the hospital. Mom had gotten a lot worse, needed help with breathing with a ventilator and needed lots of stuff done fast.

Thankfully after 2 tough weeks, amazing doctors and nurses at presby, and the grace of God she got better, and is improving daily, but has a long path of frustration ahead of her. Mom has a autoimmune disease ( a disesase your body self attacks itself)Wegener's Granulamatosis and has had it since 2000. She had been doing very well with it, but over the spring she starting wondering if it was flaring up....

Well it did and pretty aggressive, thankfully the FDA had just ( April) approved a new treatment for it. Lets hope it is a good fighter!!

Wade was a trooper and many friends and family stepped up to help us in many ways we will forever be grateful to you all! Wade after me being in PA for a week with him or the kids drove the whole way with them to come and be by our side. We spent another week there and then headed south when we knew Mom was out of danger.The other good news besides mom getting better while we were in Pa, is that we got and accepted a contract on our home on Paramount Drive!! I believe that all those chats that God and I had in the waiting room at Presby, he finally heard or was ready to answer my prayers!! Only one more major request God.... A good, safe, reiliable, fun responsible NANNY!!

So back in the south, we now must return to life duties, work...... and now it is June 25th.... I work 24 hours on the 25th, 16 hours on june 30th and we are scheduled to move July 2nd. LOL! Let more chaos begin. Oooh yea, still need a nanny!!

Well, somehow we managed to hire two men and a Truck, 2 days prior to moving, had Angel come after her 24 hour shift and the 3 of us helped the two wonderful workers from two men and a truck move to Rawl Road!!! The kids were exceptionally good, they were amazed watching the movers and I bribe them with popsciles all day!!
Once we got to the new house they were excited to have new bigger rooms, and did great entertaining themselves!! Helen was a life saver ( those who don't know Helen,she's My running buddy) she brought us Dinner. Angel unpacked my kitchen (all the sandwich bags included LOL) and we had dinner that evening in the formal dining ( the only table in the house together at the time! ).

Wade had to work on sunday so The kids and I spent the day unpacking and the Monday the 4th of July we took a break to have fun! We spent the day at Nana's swimming. The kids have gotten really good at swimming this summer, they can jump off the diving board and swimm all the way to the shallow end by them selves.! The rest of July was back to work, unpacking and a bit of fun here and there with friends and the pool and a week of summer camp at Tyler's new preschool.

August has come and almost feels gone even though it is only the 10th. On the 8th Ashley got her teacher assignment Mrs. Close, for kindergarden. Then on the 9th she had testing at the school. Today is the 10th and I am at work it has been a crazy day and i guess I just needed some time to wind down from the stressful cases of the day. Probably the moment i sign off the computer my beeper will go off.... Such is life only one moment away from change.

Ashley starts school next week. I think we have confirmed a Nanny to hire.... Only 15weeks of searching and about 20 personal interview and hundreds of emails later.... Hope she is a good pick and we don't have to do this again for a long while!!!
So hopefully the next chapter in our life will slow a bit and we can enjoy our new home, family and friends with less stress surrounding us. However If I didn't have all of that to talk about what would I ramble about for the next hour!! LOL
Pictures to come sooooooooooonnnnn.........................