Friday, October 26, 2007

October Fest!

Well October has been a exciting household! Wade is a little worried about all the places Stacey and I may decide to go for Christmas if this is what we do for Halloween! We have gone to The Pumpkin patch at Trenholm road United methodist church, hallowonka at Edventure museum and hope to go to Boo at the Zoo, if the rain stops in the next couple of days!

Nana took the kids and mom to harmon's tree farm for a hayride ( boy do the northerns need to teach the southerns what a hay ride is) It was a bit uncomfy..... no bales of hay to sit on just the wagon with some loos hay sprawled out. The ride way very scenic and peaceful, just a little lacking in the comfort zone!
The beginning of the month Tyler had his weigh in he was 21 pounds 11 ounces and 27 3/4 inches long! He is in the 90% plus in height and weight. The Doctor says not to worry, he's just Big like Daddy.

I am still learning on how to post pictures, i haven't figured it out yet on how to caption the pictures or at least get them in an order that flows with the blog. THe first pictures of ashley in the grocery store is at Edventure museum. She went shopping at the "Little Pig", but like stacey said, mommy was bad so they had to leave before checking out! It was a short trip to the store that day!

They had an africa theme room which has a wobbly bridge to cross, Ashley thought that was great. Ashley and Tyler both had candy corns painted on their faces at Edventure. Wade is helping ashley find a surpise in the bucket of balls. Tyler had a thing with his tongue that night and kept sticking it out and rolling it. He has never done that before.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The State Fair!

We hada 6 month birthday party for Tyler at the state fair! Thurs. 10-11 we decided to head out to hte fair after naps. Wade and I thought surely 2-3 hours would be plenty of time at the fair. Wrong.... we forget everything takes a lot longer with 2 extra peanuts to tend to!! We stayed almost four, never made it to the barns or any of the buildings. We spent a lot of time in kiddy land, eating and riding the slide. We could have spent all 4 hours on the slide if it was up to ashley, she loved the super slide! Tyler was worn out and passed out being carried in the backpack, he started drooling. It was a great family outing. We will be prepared for a longer day next year!!

Tyler turns 6 months!

Ok Tyler is now 6 months old. The pictures with the tractor shirt are actually taken on his 6 month day. The others were taken about a week before, they were just too cute in mama's eyes not to include! He goes to the doctor on tues so all the stats will be to follow, but for now he is about 21 pounds has two teeth, rolls over easly and has a new voice that sounds like he is a memeber of a haunted house who is try to scare you " aaaaaagggghhhhhh". It is hard to describe, but sweet!



Monday, October 8, 2007

Elmo for ashley and a play date for Tyler

Ashley was too excited once she realized that she was at a real live elmo show!
She also discovered popcorn, which she calls " Pop Pop". She was an angel for the 2 hours we were there. I think she enjoyed having mom and dad all to herself too, Bubba stayed at Nana's house that afternoon.

Tyler is lucky enough to have a buddy close to his age, Jackson is 2 months older than TYler. Tyler i know is way bigger, he is only suppose to be a month younger, but Jackson wanted to come early so he has a little catching up to do. They get to hang out a fair amount together, but not as much as their mommy's wish they did. Work sure does interfer with the social life! Ashley has to tag along and gets to be the boss.... for now!

First Ashley is amazed at how many seagulls there are. They entertained her most of the evening after a nice rain at the beach. Then the remainder of the trip is was sunny and she loved playing in the huge sandbox and the ocean!
Tyler in the third picture sat up well on his own for the first time september 19th! he was 5 months and 8 days old! Later on the beach trip we were hanging out in front of the sea captain ( our favorite restuarant at MB) and we had Tyler giggling on the turf! It was a great trip, but wow vacations are a lot of work and not as much relaxation with kids in tow! I wouldn't dare leave them behind, but a half hour in the sun with out sand smeared all over you would be refreshing! Wade absoultely use to hate having sand on his blanket or beach towel. After about 10 mins of trying to rationalize with a 21 month old why not to walk thur the center of the beach blanket he gave up and decided sand was going to have to become acceptable!!

Mom finally gets up with technology!

Well hello everyone! I hope that this will allow us all far and near to be able to keep in touch a little better. We recently had a family vacation to myrtle beach. Ashley Loves the ocean, we couldn't keep her out of it! Tyler, well as long as he had a full tummy and someone smiles at him ever so often he is a very happy camper! This vacation concluded daddy day camp! Wade had been off for 10 weeks from work with the kids. He now emphatizes with me in the tug on your heart it i, to go back after being so fortunate to be home with them 24/ 7!
Tonight he started back on night shift, which i could tell he was dreading!
Since we are both back at work, we have hired a nanny to watch the kids at the house a couple days a week. Ashley has taken to her well, which helps ease our minds a bit. But as all parents know, no one is as good as mom or dad.
Ashley has started potty training............... not going so well, but we shall conquer with perstistance!!! Tyler Has 2 teeth! he goes next week for his 6 month check up. Last weeek Wade and I weighed the kids when they came to visit me at work.... Ashley 22.5 pounds Tyler 21 pounds!! Look out ashley! She better start being extra sweet to "Bubba" he will pass her and be boss soon!!!
Well I am going to try and figure out how this all works. It will be a work in progress so be patient and stay tuned for the latest updates on the Wardlaw Gang!