Monday, October 8, 2007

First Ashley is amazed at how many seagulls there are. They entertained her most of the evening after a nice rain at the beach. Then the remainder of the trip is was sunny and she loved playing in the huge sandbox and the ocean!
Tyler in the third picture sat up well on his own for the first time september 19th! he was 5 months and 8 days old! Later on the beach trip we were hanging out in front of the sea captain ( our favorite restuarant at MB) and we had Tyler giggling on the turf! It was a great trip, but wow vacations are a lot of work and not as much relaxation with kids in tow! I wouldn't dare leave them behind, but a half hour in the sun with out sand smeared all over you would be refreshing! Wade absoultely use to hate having sand on his blanket or beach towel. After about 10 mins of trying to rationalize with a 21 month old why not to walk thur the center of the beach blanket he gave up and decided sand was going to have to become acceptable!!

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