Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday TYLER!!

Happy 1st Birthday!

Your first cake

I loved my cake mom thanks!

Khia and Fallon racing bikes, what a sweet big sister

Jackson Pushing his ride

Ashley, Tyler and Jackson at the party table

John and Tyler

Tyler very excited about all his gifts

Mama and Daddy getting Tyler cleaned up after cake

Daddy and Tyler with Birthday cake

David future Goally

Tyler is into everything, i hope he learns to wash dishes soon!

Papa with Tyler and Jackson

So many gifts thanks everyone!!

Fallon driving, Tyler giving directions and Ashley watching over everyone!

Tyler loves his backpack! When can we hit the trail mom and dad!

Meme and Papa with the kids at the Rodeo

Happy first Birthday Little Man! Wow, what a fast year it has been.
Lately you have not been wanting to eat table food and choke on it, but friday you must of woke up and thought i am One and i am a big boy now, you have enjoyed a lot of table food this weekend.
We kicked off a weekend celebration with Meme and Papa arriving from Pennsylvania on Thursday evening. Friday, your actual birthday we went to a carnival and Rodeo, you were wide open unitl 11:45 pm that evening ( you never stay up past 8pm)! I think you want to be a bull rider!
Saturday we just relaxed at the house and played outside. Sunday was the big bash! You had so much fun playing with all your friends and the icing off you cake!
You had more presents than needed, but much appreciated! It shows how much you are loved. We can tell you had a full and fun weekend because you slept in till 9 am today!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Ooh, not that i forgot, but just wanted to highlight the weekend first!
ON Sunday April 13th 2008 you took your first steps! You intially took about 3. THen shortly after those first few, you took another 5! I think you will be solo for good in the next few weeks!! Wow, that was the best present!! You started to walk!!!!

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