Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New swing set!

Well The kids finally got a swing set at their house! We lucked into a coworker moving and no longer needed his swingset! After many hard hours of labor of Daddy disassembling and the re-assembling with the assistance of Mark and Jaime it is safe at home! The kids love it!

What a great swing they got, we all are very excited and can't wait to have playdates!

Ashley in amazement that this is at her house!

Tyler sizing up the plank to climb

Tyler loves the steering wheel, so does ash, we are considering getting a second to save a lot of heart ache over who's turn it is!

I just love this picture and had to share! Future Gardner in the making... (hopefully she has a greener thumb than mom!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Cousin David!

David and his proud Daddy

Not a great picture but here are the boys

Tyler getting a ride from sissy in the 4 x4


Maddy David's newest cousin

David and his Mama

Tyler and Ashley dancing, they loved the music!

David turned One May 15th. We celebrated at chucky cheese on the 17th. THe kids had a great time with chucky cheese! David loved his cake!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

OOh what a busy fun weekend!

We started the week with Chip's visit and ended it with a beach trip and a race trip! Ashley, Tyler, Nana and Mom went to the beach thurs and friday. WE had planned on shopping on the way in before check in at 3p, luckily our hotel allowed us to check in early, the kids got great naps we enjoyed the beach and then a fabulous dinner at our fav restuarant the Sea captain. I have to say the kids were probably the best ever been in a restaurant. Whew!!
Daddy will be happy the hotel let us check in early, therefore i didn't spend More money shopping!!
After dinner we went to the outlets for a quick trip to makeup and children's stores.
Friday we woke up to overcast, but hopefull for sun. After breakfast Rain..... :( very sad kids. However we lured them into early naps and when they got up it was beautiful outside and we spent the rest of the day on the beach!
The kids playing on the rocks prior to dinner at the Sea Captain

Ashley Exploring

Tyler getting ready for the beach...

Ashley loved eating apples this weekend! She took it everywhere with her!

Ashley and Tyler playing in the sand. Tyler did like this even though it looks like he didn't

Doodlebug, Nana & Pumpkin....

Ashley with the wind blowing her hair. She loves the ocean!

After 2 great days at the beach We continuew our journey onto daddy's campsite at the races It was hot but fun! What was great was, Papa and Austin were there so we could spend some time with them! We wore the kids out and they fell asleep in the backpacks. Please travel safely home Papa!

Ashley getting a ride from Papa

Tyler enjoying the race festivies... (sissy too in the background)

Austin at the Races

Tyler Exhausted! Ashley did the same, but the picture is on my phone.....

Uncle Steven, Ashley and Daddy at Darlington

The Nascar Race family

Austin with the professional motorcross rider

Austin being recruited for border patrol

Dad, Me and Ashley

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Uncle Chip

YEa Uncle Chip, Abby and Nicholas made it to the east coast and made a quick visit to see us! We were so glad they did! IT was great to see them! ( they live in california!) WE didn't get the camera out until little T was already asleep, so sorry Tyler. We will photoshop a picture of you in it!

Chip, Abby and Ashley

Wade and Chip

Abby and Nicholas

Ashley chasing after Nicholas in the firemen hats!
Ashley loved Nicholas and was yelling " NiC CUS" and chasing him from room to room. Nicholas was very good with her.

The congaree

Well it was way past due for some R/R and adult only time.
Finally Stacey,Jason and Wade and I got together and did something!
We had beautiful weather and a babysitter so we decided to go canoeing! We had a great time, Especially the entertainment of Jason and Stacey flipping their canoe, Stacey jumping back into the sinking canoe and not so happily having to get back out of it!!
I wanted action shots, but wade wouldn't pass me the camera until we had secured their floating life vest and belongings! Glad we were in shallow water since the life jackets were not where they were suppose to be ! :0)

The aftermath, boy that water sure looks cold Stacey!

Still wobbling!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Like it

we are trying to load a video, hope to be successful soon!
At the beginning she goes crazy saying she likes it and at the very end, listen closely she will tell the camera bye bye! ITs pretty funny!