Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New swing set!

Well The kids finally got a swing set at their house! We lucked into a coworker moving and no longer needed his swingset! After many hard hours of labor of Daddy disassembling and the re-assembling with the assistance of Mark and Jaime it is safe at home! The kids love it!

What a great swing they got, we all are very excited and can't wait to have playdates!

Ashley in amazement that this is at her house!

Tyler sizing up the plank to climb

Tyler loves the steering wheel, so does ash, we are considering getting a second to save a lot of heart ache over who's turn it is!

I just love this picture and had to share! Future Gardner in the making... (hopefully she has a greener thumb than mom!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anyone know how to puy this swing together. oh my poor kids.