Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter fun!

We just returned from visiting Meme & Papa and the whole northern family! It was very very cold. It reminded me why i moved much more south! Snow clothes are crazy, it took us 15- 30 mins. to get dressed and after 30 mins outside everyone was cold and ready to come in for another 15 mins of shedding clothes!! CRAZY! I love flip flops and shorts!! Did i mention it was cold! anyways we did bundle up and have a great time and it was great to see the fam.

Ashley & Tyler watching the planes come in and out at the airport as we wait to take off to PA........

The family caravan at the airport, Tyler is hiding behind a car seat....

Mama & kids at the airport

Tyler checking the view from the air, his first flight

Meme and Papa with kids jan 08

Great Meme & Great Papa with kids

The family all bundled up in the cold

Austin as a pre- teen

Cousin Nikki & kids bundled up for the car ride to sled riding!

Tyler is so not crazy about the amount of clothes he has to wear in Pennsylvania

Tyler, Abigail, Amber and Ashley ready to sled ride.

Dinner with Meme, Great meme & Papa

Wade being the country boy helper, splitting wood

Aunt Jodi, Nikki & Ashley at Austin's basketball

Wade & Tyler playing in the snow

Tyler playing with Rocky

Tyler looking so cute in the snow

Ashley climbing in the snow, we had about 18 inches at some points

Meme & Ashley With their princess gear

Ashley with all her princess gear


Stacey said...

Wish we were there to enjoy the snow with you...I miss the good ole times. Now, there's my comment. :-)

My Family said...

thanks at least i know someone is looking!! I miss the carefree less stress days too. they should return someday!!