Thursday, September 16, 2010


While we visited mom and Dad's in Pa we decided we would attempt to get a good family photo for the fall..... It was a bit tough but we managed a few good ones! It was a lot hotter than normal for Pa this time of year so we got red cheacked quickly!

One of my Favorites me and my little man!

Family photo by the lake

The Wardlaw's

Tyler and Daddy looking for fish..... or making plans to conquer the world....

Another favorite of mine!

Tyler and his rock adventure

Tyler ran a million time back and forth to get rocks to throw in the lake

Then he throws them with such vilegence :)

Ashley following bother's lead to gather rocks

But she finds little rocks near the water that require less effort to get and is content with them!!!


Getting ready to go to her first ballet lesson Fall 2010 she was very exicted and kept asking if she looks like a real ballerina!

Ashley posing with her favorite winter cap that is a bit small

Warming up in class with miss Jenn

Her favorite part at the end free dance with fun magic wands and great music!

Stoneboro Mile

Pre Race Mom & Dad

Ashley with her northern Bff's Abigail, Amber and Ms. Lisa

Amber speeding thru the race finish

Abbigail Finishing her 1/2 mile race

Tyler Finished his first 1/2 mile race on his own, last year mommy carried him part of the way....

Ashley ran the whole way by herself with a little encourgment from mom behind her while running with Tyler Good Job Ashley!!

Wade Survived his first 5,280 ft. race!! He is glad it is over and he finally made his debute at the Great Stoneboro Fair!! He rocked it witha 6:57 mile!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Mommy finishing her race in 6:36

Post Race Family photo!

We wish we could make it a tradition to run every year together, but with school starting next year the southern kids must start mid august and we will miss the fair. Very sad to all, especially Dadddy he loves the fair!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Shannon got these precious moments while practicing with her new camera! We love you two to the moon and back!! XOXOXOXOXOX

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

summer recap needed!

Ashley & Jackson enjoying the sand

stacey and her baby savannah

Ashley at Folly Beach august 2010

Savannah had found her own little swimming area free from the crashing waves

Stacey & Savannah

Ashley, Tyler and Jackson feeding the seagulls, i am normally not a fan of this but the beach was not crowded and they had a blast! so they feed the seagulls a whole can of salt and vinegar chips!

This is my Favorite of Tyler he really loved the birds and was trying to coax them into eating out of his hand!

All of the kids 4 years and younger at Folly Beach august 2010 we will have to do more day trips next summer because this was a great day had by all!!

Summer 2010 was great! we had tons of fun took lots of pictures and will probably take me till spring of 2011 to catch up!! I have had issues with the computre reading my sd/hd card and when it does finaly read my corel program messes up and won't edit so i having no patience for electronics have given up and want to start fresh just haven't had the time to reload my 20K plus pictures and be sure i have them all backed up before i erase!! ANy one want a part time job in reorganizing my photos!! LOL!! Here are a few pictures from a recent fun mom and baby trip that stacey and i took the middle of August. We decided to pack the car and hope for the best in weather and beach bound we were! After spending 4 hours on the beach we hit the outlet mall for another couple hours the kids had a blast as well as Did the mommies in having some girl time!