Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stoneboro Mile

Pre Race Mom & Dad

Ashley with her northern Bff's Abigail, Amber and Ms. Lisa

Amber speeding thru the race finish

Abbigail Finishing her 1/2 mile race

Tyler Finished his first 1/2 mile race on his own, last year mommy carried him part of the way....

Ashley ran the whole way by herself with a little encourgment from mom behind her while running with Tyler Good Job Ashley!!

Wade Survived his first 5,280 ft. race!! He is glad it is over and he finally made his debute at the Great Stoneboro Fair!! He rocked it witha 6:57 mile!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Mommy finishing her race in 6:36

Post Race Family photo!

We wish we could make it a tradition to run every year together, but with school starting next year the southern kids must start mid august and we will miss the fair. Very sad to all, especially Dadddy he loves the fair!

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