Monday, March 21, 2011

Flying Kites

It had been really windy so when i was at the drugstore waiting on Allergy meds.... I stumbled upon kites, Tyler chose a Frog for himself and a butterfly for Ashley! After naps we went to the school and had our first lesson in kite flying. Lesson #1 don't take two toddlers alone, who have little patiences and never have done this!! Ashley got very frustrated and pouted a good bit, but after alot of reassuring her that a lot of practice would make it go , she got it and it was worth all the frustrations!!
Tyler would get frustrated but wouldn't dropped to the ground and pout like Ash, that only made him focus more.... he did awesome for his first time!!
Thankfully Joan and Pappy came to the rescue and helped, however Daddy was upset at Mom, since she did this without him. Sorry Dad, i just got so excited too i couldn't wait!!!

Its like chasing Butterflies.... but the butterflies are chasing her! :)

Mommy helping Tyler to keep mr. Frog in the Sky

Tyler concentrating so hard.... it worked!!!

Tyler flying his kite, so proud!

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